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Restore. Replenish. Rejuvenate!

We’re in the middle of January and if you’re like me, you launched into the New Year with vigor and purpose.  Your “to-do” list is long. Your life is pretty much planned until late spring (in not beyond) and the balls in the air are beginning to increase.  I looked at my calendar recently and said to myself, “Self, it’s time to pause and replenish.”

It’s so important for us to recognize the moments of quiet when Spirit whispers to us as a signal.  At the beginning of each year I write a personal life plan for myself to ensure that I’m on point with goals for myself and my family that affirm my life’s purpose. Some of us create vision boards to visualize our hearts desire for the year.  I carry, what I will call my love letter to myself, in my business notebook.  It’s just a way for me to stay grounded and clear. 

Last year my focus was on learning to say, “no.” I was adamant that I wouldn’t take on projects that didn’t add meaning to my life. Or spend time on things that didn’t add value to me or my family or contribute to my life’s vision and goals.  So, last year “no” became a complete sentence.

This year I’m committed to healthier living; working out, eating better and not missing a moment of devotional time.  Taking care of my temple is paramount.  Listening to Spirit when it says, “Lisa, it’s time to take a break.  Lisa, it’s time to breathe. Lisa, it’s time to be still,” is my priority.  Taking care of me, you taking care of you is not selfish – it is our divine responsibility.

In this selfcare journey I’m convinced that nothing is more important than serenity.  Protecting our energy is vital.  As women, (in particular) we are the nurturers. We give so much to our children, husbands, significant others, work, and our families.  And so many of us are neglecting the basics of renewing our spirits and minds so that we can take care of those who need us. Recently I had the opportunity to be in the presence of one of my mentors. She is a woman I admire greatly. Reading her emails is like receiving the biggest hug.  She shared with me that she had decided, “to be caught up in the banquet of joy… it’s an attentive, conscious, and deliberate way of thinking.”

Taking care of ourselves is just that—deliberate. Every single day the world will take from us. Think about it.  In a 24-hour period of time we can become stressed over our children not passing an important test, our significant other may be carrying a heavy load, we’re caring for elderly parents or the business deal wasn’t negotiated like you wanted.  In the nonprofit arena I have cautioned and counseled many of my colleagues about the necessity of selfcare.  WE are performing what I call soul work.  Watching someone transform his or her life is indeed life-affirming soul work.  But we also walk with them in their darkest hours.

We must replenish.  We must make time to be quiet and still and to protect our energy. I’ve identified what it looks like for me.  Serenity is an elixir for my mind and soul. For me it’s crawling up in the bed with a cup of tea and good book.  It’s writing in my prayer journal, walking around the lake, or getting to a beautiful body of water.  It’s laughing with my children and watching my husband cook.  What’s yours?

We must not waiver in our commitment to ourselves.  We’re worth every minute of pampering, love, joy and so much more. So, I say make that appointment.  It could be the spa, the lake, the library or being alone in your garden.  But whatever it is, do it for you.  Restore, replenish, rejuvenate, and rejoice!

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