National Optimism Month

As March winds down we were reminded today that its National Optimism Month! Considering the global pandemic, it’s difficult to remain optimistic but how we show up in our attitude and our view of the world can determine our outcomes and even our health. So, how do we maintain some degree of optimism in a shaken world? Here are 6 ways to hold on to optimism gracefully:
- BE GRATEFUL. A heart of gratitude shifts the environment. There are many, many things to be grateful for even in a crisis. Take a moment and focus on what you have not your limitations and not the crisis.
- BE MINDFUL. Refocus on what’s good in your family, community and even the world. Find articles, YouTube videos or other Apps that present ways to find joy in life.
- BE THOUGHTFUL. Sometimes focusing on the needs of others will take our minds off our circumstances and plights. Call a friend. Ask an elderly neighbor if they need assistance with anything.
- BE RESPONSIBLE. Each of us are responsible for our own actions or inactions.Don’t wait for something to happen outside of yourself to be optimistic! Create your own OPTIMISM!
- BE INTENTIONAL. We have an opportunity to make something good happen each day, and every moment. We get to choose! CHOOSE OPTIMISM!
- BE HOPEFUL. Hope fuels the soul. And, as Nelson Mandela said, “Hope is a weapon.” Live with the expectation that things will be better.