Father’s Day in COVID-19

This Father’s Day will be unlike any other. Gone are the days of huge family get-togethers and packed restaurant dinners. While Texas continues to reopen the state, we are seeing new cases of COVID-19 every single day, reaching all-time highs. Dallas County now ranks fifth for number of new cases in the country, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. Knowing this, the best way to celebrate this Father’s Day is considering to remain socially distanced, but this doesn’t mean we have to cease all celebration. Here are 5 ideas that you can do on Father’s Day while still practicing social distancing.
1. Game Night
Game night is a great way to get face-to-face time with the whole family that doesn’t include screens. Bring out dad’s favorite “classic” board game and teach them to your kids or try new ones that out on the market. Either way, everyone is bound to have fun. Have distant family members? Zoom, Face Time, and Skype are new ways we can include everyone even if they don’t live with you anymore.
2. Yard Games
Want to enjoy some of that beautiful weather Summer is give us? Head outside and play some yard games. Hacky sack, washers, horseshoes, and ladder golf are classic games you can enjoy outside. You might even break a sweat!
3. Bike Ride/Go for a walk
So many people have started working out now that they have more time due to quarantine. Going for a bike ride of walk is a fun way to get some more exercise in for the whole family. Even leisurely pace allows for some down time to get a quality conversation started while enjoying the sun’s rays on your skin.
4. Letter writing from and to Dad
Greeting cards are a given on Father’s Day, but what about writing your own heartfelt letter? Letter writing can give an outlet for kids and dad to express sentiments that might be harder to say out loud. This is something simple that can easily become a Father’s Day tradition.
5. Zoom Call with Family
Have older kids that don’t live nearby or essential workers in your family? Technology has brought us so much closer even when we are physically apart. Phone calls are always great, but utilizing Zoom, Skype, or Face Time allows us to see those faces we miss.