What’s Love Got to Do With It?

8 Steps to Self-Love
Everything. Yes, everything. That’s what LOVE has to do with it. Love is a very primal and foundational human instinct and need. Add to this the evolutionary wiring which insists that we look for a mate to multiply and survive and you have something deeply elemental and hard-wired into the human psyche.
The area of the brain which creates the intense addictive feelings of overwhelming passion and desire is known as ‘the pleasure centre’ and is also inextricably linked to man’s basic instinct to survive. Can you imagine living in a “loveless” world or a “loveless” relationship. Love is essential to our growth, development,t and evolution and the first love relationship we have is with ourselves. Self-love is essential to having the capability to love others.
- Talking to and about yourself with love
- Prioritizing yourself
- Giving yourself a break from self-judgement
- Trusting yourself
- Being true to yourself
- Being nice to yourself
- Setting healthy boundaries
- Forgiving yourself when you aren’t being true or nice to yourself
Love is powerful because it transforms and evolves throughout the course of relationships and the journey of human life and none is more important than the relationship we have with ourselves.