TYRO Champion Dad Program
Do you want to be the superhero in your children’s lives? Are you looking for camaraderie and how to better your best in a safe environment with other like-minded men? Are you bewildered and feel like you are out of touch with your family? If you’ve answered yes to any one of these questions the TYRO CHAMPION FATHERHOOD PROGRAM is for you! Join us on a journey to learn why fatherhood is important and the crucial role you play in the life of your children.

Fathers are an important piece in the puzzle of life.
Fathers are providers and protectors. Anthem Strong Families is committed to helping fathers be the champion for their children, wives and families. With the goal of Restoring Lives and Reconnecting Fathers to their families, these programs are designed to encourage and empower dads and moms in a meaningful way.
TYRO Champion Dad Domestic Violence
This is a unique program designed to free you to own accountability about your behavior without blaming. This 12-week program (3 hours/per week) is designed to help men who are struggling with accepting themselves as abusive. Men learn to constructively face challenges, identify family trauma and the destructive outcomes for children, manage emotions constructively and create a positive, nurturing home life for your family without resorting to violence.
Anthem Strong Families DV/IPV education workshop is not a BIPP certified program.

Daddy Bootcamp
In collaboration with Methodist Hospital and Parkland Hospital, ASF routinely hosts a Daddy Bootcamp for soon-to-be and new fathers. They learn how to navigate the first months of parenthood to become confident, on-the-job fathers. This is a safe space where all questions are welcome and answered frankly by our fatherhood experts.