Family Time In The Summer

Thanks to our partners Edna Pemberton, President, Oak Cliff Development Corporation and Jeanette Berry, Founder, Operation Community Cares, almost three hundred families joined Anthem Strong Families (ASF) last week at the Universal Soul Circus. It’s become quite the ASF tradition! Children and adults alike reveled in dancing, face-painting, elephants and acrobats. Families were able to fellowship and share something extra special with their children.
Summers are great times to be with family. We create memories at the park and having picnics, sitting in movie theatres, going to the zoo or something as simple as trekking along bike paths or on long walks. There many ways to create family time. Recently, young woman shared that weekly journeys to the library with her four girls creates those memorable moments of exchanging thoughts on books as well as the trip to the ice cream shop following.
Family time doesn’t have to cost a lot of money either. A spa day at home is a great way to learn how to do a manicure, a pick-up game at the park, or learning how to play chess is also an excellent way to bring family together. Family movie or game night is a fun way to connect and discuss current events. Popping popcorn at home is cheap and combined with sandwiches makes movie and game night a cinch.
Today’s culture screams video games and electronics. As a society, we spend more time with gadgets than spending quality time with our family and learning about who our children are and what motivates and inspires them. We have become obsessed with the next thing ‘to do’ and on completing the never-ending ‘to do’ list. We are a society that craves instant gratification. However, science says that some of the best moments with family and friends are spent away from technology.
Spending time with family doesn’t have to break the bank! Here are 5 ways for you to enjoy the summer with your children:
- Plan an “Old Fashion Game Night,” with jacks, an ‘egg-in-the-spoon’ race, dodge ball or three-legged race. Invite the neighbors.
- Have a picnic in the park. Your children will enjoy making their picnic lunch in the kitchen with you, and the change of scenery keeps them excited.
- Go on a nature trail. Many communities have bike and nature trails for exploring.
- Join us for our Summer Film Series on July 20th from 6-8pm at our TYRO Champion Center for a free screening of “Daddy Don’t Go” by Emily Abt. RSVP here:
- Visit Klyde Warren Park! This free park features a children’s area with jungle gym and splash pad, putting green, ping pong tables and various lawn games to keep the family busy while enjoying the outdoors.