CHAMPION Parents of Rowlett

My husband, Paul, and I were in private practice together more than 20 years. We were determined to help people obtain a clearer vision of how to navigate the rough waters of life and relationships. That passionate desire eventually led to the birth of Anthem Strong Families (ASF), as well as, walking the halls of the state legislature on behalf of families.
Our families are the heart-beat of our community yet many are being torn apart. Navigating the challenges of being a good parent in this new cyber-world often gobbles up one-on-one time with our children. In such a confusing world, children need their parents more than ever and our time with them is more important than ever. We are always excited to share our Champion Parenting class and celebrate new partnerships that help us to reach even more families throughout Dallas County! On September 8 we will launch our CHAMPION Parenting Classes with Life Message in Rowlett. In addition to parenting, we will offer moms, dads and couples opportunities to learn the “how tos” that deal with anger, resolve differences in ways that are beneficial to everyone and communicate love and respect. (I’ve been married to Paul now for more than 30 years and I still say, “No, I didn’t mean it like that, obviously you didn’t hear the way I meant it” to which he responds, “Well, I certainly didn’t hear what you thought you said!”
Our work with fathers continues to humble me. I have the privilege of working with some of the most formidable men in the country – men who are honorable and who care deeply about walking beside other men who need a renewed sense of their irreplaceable importance to their family. I continue to be inspired by the goodness of our CHAMPION MEN. This past weekend was yet another opportunity to see our men in action, touching the lives of children and their parents as we joined forces with Texas Elite Barbers to serve more than 100 children who needed haircuts in preparation for school! Something special occurs in barbershops with young boys and men!
Finally, it’s that time of year again! North Texas Giving Day is September 20. It’s the largest day of giving in the country. Please consider giving to Anthem Strong Families this year so that we can continue the important work to strengthen families and create vibrant communities! You can donate here: