An Update From Anthem Strong Families Founder And CEO Cosette Bowles

In just three short weeks our lives have changed. Have they changed forever? We don’t know. We are all hoping that the shelter-at-home orders from both the national and county leadership is NOT our new normal. What we do know today is that at Anthem Strong Families our service delivery has changed. We are being more creative with the way we deliver our services, mini clinics and workshops. We are so very excited to announce that in the next few weeks we will be launching the first of wave of our Champion Parenting I and II Mini Clinics utilizing Zoom. In the next two weeks we will launch our Stress Management Mini Clinic as well. Others will follow.
Our staff is working tirelessly to pivot and are being extremely imaginative in developing new ways to deliver what our communities need. Our Advisory and Executive Boards are providing great counsel and even assisting us to execute key messages to our constituents, donors and participants. We are grateful for Advisory Board Members, Derrick Culpepper who stepped up to produce this YouTube video and Dr. James Manuel, a noted psychologist and recent author, will also provide tips on navigating the stresses we all face during COVID -19.
Even though we are faced with an incredible crisis, we continue to uplift our participants and ensure that they are receiving what they need to make a better life for themselves and their children. Initially, we were challenged with the how of service delivery. My heart has been lifted to hear from our Program Director, Charles Dillon, that those participants enrolled in the TYRO CHAMPION DADS PROGRAMare not letting COVID-19 get in the way of their dedication and commitment to get to ‘classes’ albeit, those classes are being offered via Zoom. Graduations are being held on Zoom as well. I am reminded that CHAMPIONS are CHAMPIONS in the toughest of circumstances. CHAMPIONS don’t give up or give in.
I am awed and amazed by the work being done on the ground in our community. Foundations and nonprofit organizations throughout the metroplex are meeting the needs of those we serve despite an enemy we can’t see. We’re working around the clock to ensure that those who need it the most are getting meals, reconnecting with their children, and receiving healthcare. My heart goes out to the first responders, and healthcare workers on the frontlines who may not see their families for weeks because they are trying to save lives. At Anthem Strong Families our family is giving to your family. Let us know your needs and we will connect you to the resources who can fulfill them. While we are sheltering in place remember that we are in this together. Let us hear from you.
In the meantime, stay encouraged, be safe; wash your hands often, don’t touch your face, practice physical distancing, stay home, and pay attention. Remember that your emotional health is just as important so work at bringing calm and peacefulness into your life and letting your emotions have constructive outlets. Play and laugh and cherish those you love. If we keep our focus on what is really important we will all figure out the rest of it! We are together with our separateness and we will be together in rising out of this!
In Wellness,
Cosette Bowles, M.A., L.P.C., L.M.F.T.