Family & Relationship Matters
Family Champions
Families are the bedrock of our society. Data supports the reality that strong and healthy families create strong and vibrant communities. Marriage, relationships, and parenting are the pillars to our society and it’s important to have purpose-driven children for the future of our community and nation. Our goal is to give families tools not just to survive but thrive through our menu of classes, workshops, and mini clinics.

Family is important to all of us
Thousands of individuals and families attend no cost ASF classes, mini clinics and workshops to improve their lives or the lives of their families. The ASF menu of classes continues to expand in order to offer more options and often based on popularity and demand.
Help for Parents
Knowing how to navigate the challenges alongside the good parts can often be puzzling and frustrating. Any of these sound familiar? I’m stressed. I want to be a better parent. My family needs to handle anger better. Help! I’m parenting a teenager! My ex is a problem. I’m a single parent and overwhelmed!

Family Classes
provides a variety of lively interactive classes that offer helpful information and tools to handle those difficult, tricky issues for families. Listed below are some of the classes we offer for you and your family.